Training, coaching and

Tango – HR Solutions and its partners will coordinate and manage training, coaching and development of your employees. The HR specialist will work with managers to create or implement training programs for competency development or for specific learning topics in order to improve performance of your existing workforce or help them meet organizational objectives.

The HR specialist can also coordinate the participation of employees in workshops, conventions, conferences and ongoing training. Promoting professional growth in the workplace can help employees feel they are more valued, which can help improve staff retention for better productivity and efficiency.

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Group of young multi ethnicity coworkers dressed casually working together focused on the computer monitor indoors

Services available

  • Analysis of internal needs and available budgets;
  • Grant application management;
  • Development of internal training process and structure;
  • Development of training plan by position type;
  • Development of customized training;
  • Proposal for existing training;
  • Management coaching.


I want to meet a Tango team member for a discussion.